Map Field

Table of contents

  1. Example Usage
  2. Allowed Attributes
    1. Default
    2. Required
    3. Column Name
    4. Validator

Map field for firestore

Example Usage

class User(Model):
    marks = MapField()

u = User()
u.marks = {'Math': 70, 'English': 80}

Allowed Attributes

The following attributes supported by Map Field.

  1. default
  2. required
  3. column_name
  4. validator
  • Default

    Default value for field. This is base attribute that is available in all fields. Read More

  • Required

    Set True if value is required for the field. This is base attribute that is available in all fields. Read More

  • Column Name

    Set different column name in Firestore instead of field name. This is base attribute that is available in all fields. Read More

  • Validator

    Validate given value of field. This is base attribute that is available in all fields Read More

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