Type Annotation Support

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TypedModel is a model which supports fields declaration by using type annotation. It is a subclass of Model so all the features of Model are available in TypedModel.


from fireo.typedmodels import TypedModel

class User(TypedModel):
    name: str
    age: int

# User model is ready to use as normal model
u = User()
u.name = "Azeem"
u.age = 26

Supported Types

TypedModel supports all the fields which are supported by Model including ListField, NestedModelField and MapField.


from fireo.typedmodels import TypedModel
from typing import List, Dict

class Profile(TypedModel):
    address: str
    phone: int

class Comments(TypedModel):
    comment: str
    likes: int

class User(TypedModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    friends_ids: List[str]
    profile: Profile
    comments: List[Comments]

Custom Fields Support

Custom fields support can be added by overriding annotation_resolver_cls attribute in Meta:

from functools import partial

from fireo.fields import TextField
from fireo.typedmodels import TypedModel
from fireo.typedmodels.resolver import AnnotationResolver, SimpleFieldResolver

class EmailField(TextField):

class EmailStr(str):

class MyAnnotationResolver(AnnotationResolver):
    resolvers = [
        partial(SimpleFieldResolver, supported_field_type=EmailStr, field_class=EmailField),

class BaseModel(TypedModel):
    class Meta:
        annotation_resolver_cls = MyAnnotationResolver

class User(BaseModel):
    email: EmailStr

assert User._meta.field_list['email'].__class__ is EmailField

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